Cool Train Running. Carrying Athletes On SkiTour 2020

Being cool is the most important thing there is. At least in the developed world.

Travelling by train was always, frankly, the coolest way of transporting one’s earthy body from point A to point B. But since we all are eco-minded now, it is also the trendiest.

Enter Norwegian train and bus company Vy, that taken a big step of becoming the Main Sponsor for Ski Tour 202o.

Part of that sponsorship is transporting all the athletes from one venue to the next.

On the specially chartered and custom-painted train, no less!

Today the first charter have taken some of the world’s best skiers from Östersund to Åre.

Athletes only. Coaches and support personnel had to go old-fashioned way – by bus & truck. Poor them.

Athletes did look properly excited, however. We wish we were them today!

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