Thus Trained Bolshunov This Morning…


Here’s this morning’s training regimen of the world’s leading distance skier:

– 1h15m road bike
– 1:15 classic rollerskis on dedicated rollerski track i.e. with uphills/downhillls
– 1:15 skating rollerskis on the same track
– 1:15 trail running, medium to hard terrain
For the total of 5 hours.
No pauses between sessions , maximum fast equipment swap.
All in 1-2 pulse zone ( but to a casual observer it honestly looks like a competition tempo, especially on classic rolllerskis).

There is obviously a second training session of the day after lunch and, possibly, a warm-down job in the evening.

To be clear, the rest of Yuri Borodavko’ s training group did exactly same – we single out Bolshunov for obvious reasons that he’s the most successful in the group in the last two seasons.

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