Dogged Life of Skiers

A silver medalist of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, Alexander Panzhinskiy, has shared a photo spread dedicated to his “sparring partner” with thousands of Instagram followers.

Today my the best and the most faithful friend HAPPY and at the same time my sparing partner have a BIRTHDAYThanks for what you have with us) Loves animals and have a dog,this is the best anti-stress

Happy is a two-year-old Berger Blanc Suisse, or White Swiss Shepherd dog, and Panzhinsky has a dogged determination to fill his Instagram account with as many of his photos as possible. We don’t blame him!

Let’s take a quick look at the other famous dogs of the ski circuit:

Here is Justyna Kowalczyk and her Marian, better known as “Maniek”.

The double Olympic champion practically never goes anywhere without her white curly friend. Kowalczyk says her Maniek is the “best psychologist” and that he helped her to beat the bout of depression she was suffering from.

Jessie Diggins and the unknown. All we know is that the pooch lives with Jessie’s parents, Clay and Deb, in Afton, Minnesota

…and really, really misses her.

Tomas Northug and his Gordon Setter:

A man and his dog in the wild. Isn’t the middle Northug brother perfect in that role? If you don’t think so – here’s another one, sans dog – and sans clothing. 18+!

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