…In Some Ways Blink Skifest Reminds Us Of Pre-commercial Olympic Games

…In Some Ways Blink Skifest Reminds Us Of Pre-commercial Olympic Games

Blink Skifest is , without a doubt, a premier xcski and biathlon event of the whole summer, packed with stars of top caliber. Think about it: only the Olympic Games bring together more of world's best athletes of both those " sister sports" - and even then they rarely rub shoulders in a literal sense. In a way Blink resembles original Olympic ideas, those of Pierre de Coubertin: having fun, forging ties, making new friendships among the athletes and , occasionally with fans who have unparalleled access to sportsmen and -women. All of that with minimum material reward for either victory or mere appearance. Which is amazing, really. This is a departure from a regular line that we preach on the Daily Skier: the skiing has to be become more…
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Small Step For Andrew Musgrave – Giant Leap For British Skiing

Small Step For Andrew Musgrave – Giant Leap For British Skiing

Leaders, Newsfeed
..and not just British. Not a huge secret that with Alex Harvey retiring , medal prospects of the English-speaking xcski world looked very dim. At least in men's skiing. It seems, the torch of the world champ Harvey is now in the hands of the man widely expected to be his successor: British-born, Norway-based Andrew Musgrave. ....who himself in post-race interview made light of his 60k C victory at the Blink Skifest today. " The real challenging races are those in the winter". We appreciate "Muzzy" as he's widely known, modesty, but venture that the victories in the company of reigning world and Olympic champions and medalists can't be " not a big deal" . The cross country world now officially has a strong medal contender and, hopefully, big-time influencer…
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Northug’s Top Moments ( Arbitrary Chosen By Us)

Northug’s Top Moments ( Arbitrary Chosen By Us)

Gear News, Leaders, Newsfeed
August is upon us and Petter Northug Jr. is finally, really, firmly launching his brand. Yes, we know, we know - technically, it's Jon Inge Gullikstad and his Brand Assist that are launching sales of Northug-labeled goods. But we seriously hope that whatever comes out carrying his name ( glasses and gloves to start with), it will reflect one of a kind persona Petter is: mega-talented, mercurial, charmingly non-PC & overall great face of the sport of cross country skiing to the outside world. We put together a list his special moments for you to remember - or to come up with your own one. Enjoy 1. 2011 "Humiliation" Relay finish, World Championship in Oslo. Who would forget that finish - and ensued media !@#$-stprm, of which the most memorable…
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Belorukova On Altercation With Karlsson:  I Do Not Regret What I Did  – One Can Not Behave Way She Did  In Race

Belorukova On Altercation With Karlsson: I Do Not Regret What I Did – One Can Not Behave Way She Did In Race

Leaders, Newsfeed
This is the second part of the interview with the Olympics & Worlds medalist Yulia Belorukova. Part 1 is here [caption id="attachment_12373" align="alignnone" width="1920"] On "kerfuffle"with Frida Karlsson in Canada:It's " Forget and move on" kinda thing now. But I tell you this: I do not regret what I did and would probably do it again in the same situation. One can not behave the way she did in that race.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_12376" align="alignnone" width="1018"] On Sponsors: I am not prepared to help advertize just about anything – I really need to believe in what I'm promoting. I really enjoyed my relationship with Toyota Russia – they are cool people and I've been using a cool car , Toyota C-HR - why, I even learned how to drive to make…
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Yulia Belorukova:  If You Don’t Get  Kick From Doing What You’re Doing – Why Do It At All?

Yulia Belorukova: If You Don’t Get Kick From Doing What You’re Doing – Why Do It At All?

Leaders, Newsfeed
...When Yulia Belorukova won the very first official race of the last season, many a fan said Wow! here come the true challenger to Swedish-Norwegian duopoly in sprint. Alas, the rest of the season was as impressive for a 24 year old Russian. Although far from a failed one ( bronze in relay in Seefeld where she held Ebba and Heidi Weng's all-out leap at the first stage, overall 8th place in the World Cup season classification), Belorukova wants more next season. Wants - and makes no secret of that in our conversation, that we shall customary publish in two installments, using the photos of Yulia that we've taken throughout the season. Here's Part 1 [caption id="attachment_12342" align="alignnone" width="1920"] I like skiing, that feeling of actually being on the snow.…
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