Russians And Italians Train Under German Coach In Estonia

Russian and Italian skiers train under German coach – in Estonia. We-guess that’s what it takes to beat Norwegians in 2021: pulling together forces in a joint effort.

Markus Cramer Group led by Sergey Ustiugov and Yulia Belorukova and ” reinforced ” by Federico Pellegrino and Francesco De Fabiani just have landed in Otepää, Estonia for a long training camp.

“Otepää is a fantastic place for summer training, it has everything: good lodgings, well-equipped gym, playground for team sports- most importantly, it has long safe roads with the right uphill/ downhill difficulty. Plus the weather is fantastic- except for mosquitoes but skiers don’t feel them, only coaches do..” says Cramer.

Worth noting that the mixed dream-team is using IDT rollerskis, provided by their sponsor – that happen to be Norwegian.

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