FIS Congress Postponed Till May 2021

Late on Friday , July 31st, the FIS has published an announcement: already once postponed Congress will now take place in May-June 2021.

It’s significant.

The 52th Congress was initially scheduled to take place in Thailand in May 2020 and was provisionally moved to October this year. It wasn’t an ordinary affair: the incumbent president of the International Ski Federation was supposed to step down and the new leader of the snow sports on this planet to be elected.

When Gian-Franco Kasper took the helm Klaebo and Bolshunov were learning how to walk and Frida K. wasn’t even born yet.

A lot had changed since 1998 – and candidates to replace the 76 year old Swissman were floating vastly programs on where and how to proceed onwards. With the Congress now officially delayed by 10 months, they will have to start their electoral campaigns anew, in the different, post-COVID world. Between the pandemics, lack of snow and dwindling television audiences ( at least in cross country skiing) the challenges are rather daunting.

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