Haakon Klaebo: It Is Actually Athlete Who Owns Market Rights

In written response to the Daily Skier, Haakan Klaebo, Johannes’father and manager , clarifies what the agreement between the Norwegian Ski Federation and the world’s best skier contains – and why it took so long to reach it:

“In short, we have reached a better understanding with the Ski Federation ( NSF) side in relation to the fact that it is actually the athlete who owns the market rights, and that the NSF can thus not enter into as many agreements as they want without this being stipulated in the contract with the athlete himself. ”

“We have achieved a proper delineation as to when an athlete is a private person, can represent his club and when he represent the NSF»
“The NSF has accepted that they have to change course to meet the future in a right way. We greatly appreciate the fact that the Ski Federation has spent a lot of time on this. It is important for both for the Federation and for the Norwegian athletes ”.

From left to right: Haakan Klaebo ( holding a pair of signature Klaebo Leki Pink poles), Ola Klaebo, Morten Iversbakken, IDT Sports manager & one of Klaebo key sponsors, Johannes himself

Here’s text of Mr. Klaebo comment in Norwegian:

Kort sagt mener jeg at vi har oppnådd en bedre forståelse fra skiforbundets side i forhold til at det faktisk er utøver som innehar eiendomsretten til sine markedsrettigheter, og at NSF dermed ikke kan inngå så mange avtaler de vil uten at dette er regulert i løperavtalen.»

«Vi har gått opp grensegangen for når en utøver er privat, kan representere sin klubb og representerer NSF»

«NSF har akseptert at de er nødt til å endre kurs for å møte fremtiden på en god måte. Vi setter stor pris på at skiforbundet har brukt mye tid på dette. Det er viktig både for forbundet og for de norske utøverne».

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