Meet Man Behind Success Of Summer Skiing Fests In Norway


Man behind the scenes. Meet Morten Iversbakken, co-founder, manager & driving force behind the rapid rise of @idtsports.

Star-studded rollerski races Norway is known for ( and the appeal is growing with each year) won’t be possible without dedicated sponsorship(s) by the company both willing and able to provide world-class equipment to world-class stars of skiing.

Hand delivered (literally as you can see on this photo) to each & every destination e.g. Hamar’s Kirkebakken Grand Prix yesterday, Oslo Skifest today.

Is he alone? By no means. There are other dedicated men, women and their outfits in rollerskiing, yet we think this case special:

IDT is a large company and was doing well before it went into skiing. Morten is a well-off young man with a growing family. He could have enjoyed far quieter, lucid ways of living. But he’s a driven man, a man with a vision and and a mission – and for that we salute him & his effort.

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