Madshus, Part 2 – Your Questions Answered. Some Of Them, At Least
Questions that you always wanted to ask - now answered by the Madshus pros: - Bjorn Ivar Austrem, R & D director - Per Wiik who runs both racing and marketing departments – and Nils Hult, Madshus CEO himself: - We all all know there are great skis and not-so great skis. Some ( many) medals were won even in the last season not on the newest skis, but on those 2-3, even 5 years old ( not specifically Madshus – we are talking all leading manufacturers here) How come ”great skis” can't be replicated en masse? - There are, obviously, external factors such as different snow, humidity, altitude etc. etc. But let's assume there are skis that “just run great always” as per their happy owner. There are…