First snow laid on world championship tracks of Planica

First snow was laid on the tracks where the 2023 Nordic World Ski Championships will take place.

Naturally, not by Mother Nature, but by the good people of Planica Nordic Center. And what did you expect?

Says Neža Žerjav from Team Slovenia, who was a dedicated tester of the new track on Friday:

” The track was like 1 km in the morning but they are still working. At the end of the day it will be 2,5 km. The snow was fast and the track was compact…”

“… just enough to properly feel your tibialis anterior muscles.”, laughs a 23 year old Slovenian Olympian.

Planica is located at the altitude of some 1100m. The weather today: +5 Сelcius, rainy.
But snow cannons are on standby and will start splurging white powder once the temperatures drop.

Some 20000 cubic meters of snow was stored in Planica – for both laying out the first snow track and to be used in emergency should there be unseasonably warm weather at the end of February when the World Championships kicks off.

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