2020 – Year Of Carbon Fiber Rollerskis? More Great CF Models Than Ever But Not Everyone Is Convinced

Fischer just unveiled the pair the Austrian company calls ” world’s lightest classic rollerskis”

Which means they are at least a little bit lighter than the Swix model that hit the market last year, somewhat ahead of the pack.

“The pack” because never before was the market so saturated with the true carbon fiber monocoque rollerskis offers:

Established players roll out their first CF models

New players are entering the market – obviously, sensing some business opportunities.

The end of metal alloy rollerskis is nay? Not so fast,says Morten Iversbakken, the marketing manager of IDT Sports. Everyone remembers, of course, that the Norwegian company sponsors by far the most top teams/ individual skiers in the world of xcskiing (but not biathlon – that’s still largely the Finnish Marwe’s territory).

” We are not coming up with a carbon ski this year. There is zero demand from any of our customers and atlethes…Given how the rollerskis we deliver to our atlethes look after only half a season we can’t see that a carbon frame can have a long life”

It’s rarely touched upon subject but it’s true that most if not all pro-athletes look at their rollerskis the way a contractor looks at his pickup truck: got to be able to carry the load, be reliable and to require minimum of maintenance. It’s something you hose off once the job is done – not something you give expensive detailing and shine.

Can latest carbon fiber rollerskis withstand extreme forces application with zero maintenance? Obviously, depends on materials used and craftsmanship. Both have to be top notch.

Which brings us to the lead photo – yes, the pixelated one. Those skis promise to become quite revolutionary even set against the newest rivals. With any luck, they shall become Bugatti and F-150 in one. How and when? Well, we shall keep you posted on developments. This year is big on rollerski novelties.

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