Madshus Redline 2.0: New Kid In Town
Remember how Eagles put it back, huh, 40 years ago? There's talk on the street; it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody's watching you. People you meet, they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you're something new. Well, that new kid is very nearly in town: say hello to Madshus RedLine 2.0, top-of-the-crop racing skis from Biri, re-invented. As with all designed-to-win the Olympic Games/World Championships skis, there is a considerable amount of anticipation and even speculation. [caption id="attachment_7941" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Madshus test lab - its "open to visitors" part[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7939" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Chambers of Madshus secrets. "No entrance for those unauthorized "We really felt like sneaking a peek - but wouldn't ? [/caption] The skiing has not quite reached the level of…