Why Upcoming Blink Skifestival Might Be World Most Exciting Ski Event

Why Upcoming Blink Skifestival Might Be World Most Exciting Ski Event

Leaders, Newsfeed
For our money, Blink Skifestival is one the most exciting & anticipated ski-related events in the world. What makes us rank Blink on par and perhaps, higher than traditional “snow ski” events e.g. Tour de Ski? Let's see if you could convince you with the following arguments: a) It is the only event in the world featuring both the strongest skiers and bi-athletes starting in the same race. Last year Henrik L'Abée-Lund  beat both Martin Sundby and Sergei Ustiugov in the Lysebotn climb, for instance. As a result, there will be close to 40 ( your read it right – forty!) medal winners from the Olympics in Korea in February. Actually, it's easier to list those who will not be there, than who will be – sadly, Number One of…
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Skiers Who Switched To New Gear This Summer ( And Some Who Thought To – But Did Not)

Skiers Who Switched To New Gear This Summer ( And Some Who Thought To – But Did Not)

Gear News, Leaders, Newsfeed
Today Fischer has proudly announced that it has officially won the battle to become a sponsor to Ingvild Flugstad Østberg. The switch is rather comprehensive: the double Olympic champion “...will place her trust in skis, bindings and boots from Fischer from now on...” Thus ends the “ski drama of the summer of 2018”, rather extensively covered in Norwegian media . The word "drama"" is applicable since it involved two teammates & friends, Østberg and the current World Cup holder Heidi Weng, who long were postergirls for Madshus but felt they underachieved at the Olympics in Korea. At the end Heidi chose to stay with her current skis/boots sponsor, Madshus - while Ingvild went to the “Fischer stable” - where, presumably, she will take the place of retired Marit Bjørgen in…
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Feeling Of Skiing – How Marwe Rollerskis Are Made

Feeling Of Skiing – How Marwe Rollerskis Are Made

Gear News, Newsfeed
Marwe Sports needs no long introduction. The company had long established itself as a golden standard in rollerski making, and when it talks of "feeling of skiing" - it's more than a corporate slogan, it's something many a national team, both in xcskiing and biathlon, can attest to. In order to understand how, in our rapidly changing world, Marwe manages to remain such a symbol of quality - and fun - the Daily Skier has traveled to the birthplace of Marwe skis. Well, two places, actually. Because flagship Marwe skis, 620 XC are assembled in two locations. Here's what we found & learned. ...Marwe's marketing manager Paul Fletcher inspects a plywood/Nomex combo core of the future rollerskis at the Peltonen factory in Heinola where all composite platforms are made. Paul…
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World’s Best Abdominal Muscles, Pictured And Explained

World’s Best Abdominal Muscles, Pictured And Explained

Leaders, Newsfeed
On the photo above is a great looking washboard stomach. A skier's stomach ( of course - otherwise, why would it be here, on the xcskiing site?). A perfect combination of beauty - and function. ...It was in the 1990s when Professor Bengt Saltin made a discovery: with each generation, muscles of cross country skiers are growing. Although aerobic capacities have improved only marginally over the years, the strength and muscular endurance of the upper body of cross country skiers have become dramatically better . Famed scientiest, FIS expert etc. etc., Saltin had an extensive experience working with Swedish elite cross-country skiers. His conclusions: elite XC skiers of the 1990s demonstrated 15–25% larger fiber areas, especially in their arm and core muscles, than their counterparts of the 1970s! Fast forward 20…
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Madshus Redline 2.0: New Kid In Town

Madshus Redline 2.0: New Kid In Town

Gear News, Newsfeed
Remember how Eagles put it back, huh, 40 years ago? There's talk on the street; it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody's watching you. People you meet, they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you're something new. Well, that new kid is very nearly in town: say hello to Madshus RedLine 2.0, top-of-the-crop racing skis from Biri, re-invented. As with all designed-to-win the Olympic Games/World Championships skis, there is a considerable amount of anticipation and even speculation. [caption id="attachment_7941" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Madshus test lab - its "open to visitors" part[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7939" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Chambers of Madshus secrets. "No entrance for those unauthorized "We really felt like sneaking a peek - but wouldn't ? [/caption] The skiing has not quite reached the level of…
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