Ski Art Erotica
For decades Pierre-Laurent Brenot worked at the heart of the French fashion industry, cooperating with brands such as Saint-Laurent, Nina Ricci, Rochas, Dior, Hermès , until in late 1940s he found a different calling. In the next 15 years Brenot became one the world's most recognizable affichiste – poster artist – of all times. Brenot's works were colorful, daring – and unapogetically sexy, earning him the title of "le "père de la pin-up française »/ the father of the "French pin-up". Some of the ads look suprisingly modern – at least the models do. Look at this promotion of the French motor oil & lubricants firm Bardahl, done more than half a century ago! But we are the skiing site and, therefore, shall concentrate on the Frenchman's two known art-pieces related to le ski de fond:…