Yeah, Supersprint Totally Rocks – Here’s Why

Don’t take it from us – take it from Petter Northug Jr. himself:

“Too bad we did not have this kind of competitions when I’ve started my career. The Supersprint is a revolution in skiing and should become an Olympic sport!”

If the opinion of the world’s greatest skier of this century haven’t convinced you – here are some photos that might

Stars of traditional skiing on a starting grid. Name recognition helps to attract attention. Rivalries and mutual public dissing helps X 2. Just ask Petter and Kalle here
Supersprint works the same way 100m works in athletics: 5 minutes of athlete presentation, 10 (okay – 13 ) seconds of actual race, then another 5 minutes for laps of honor etc. Benefit: you actually get to take a good look at participants. Yulia Belorukova and Irina Kovalenko here
Television is a king. Is and will continue being for some time. And television luves supersprints as they are so easy to bend to TV schedules, playlists and ad segments.
Top brand and its ambassadors are the must
competition itself is cool – with its completely different technique….
…and its completely different stars: Ludvig “Ludde” Søgnen Jensen and Ragnar Bragvin Andresen outrun traditional skiers
Kristine Stavås Skistad, however, shows she could win anything – beating Marte Nordlunde in the finals
extra cool: 100m sprints have best times recorded as world records. Kristine Skistad just set a new one.
…and then, after the sport show is over, there is afterparty with music ( loud) and beer (fairly strong). Now, how’s that for ski competition ending?
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