Are modern skis any better than those made 25 years ago? Two experts lean on the issue

If  we were to pick a subject skiers like to discuss the most, it probably would be ” are the best modern skis that retail for 1000 euros/ dollars any better than what was sold in the past ( often for half price)?”

Now no lesser figure than a coach of Alexander Bolshunov and Natalia Nepryaeva decides to speak.

In interview with a newsportal Yuri Borodavko does not mince his words:

” The skis that were made 25 years ago glide about the same as the new Fisher Helium or 3Ds, which are advertised so heavily, or the new Salomon, for instance, who’s makers say they employ the latest technology.”

Borodavko goes to explain that there is particular hill in one of the top ski centers in Siberia that’s been used for glide tests for nay 50 years. Since the weather and snow at that time of the year are near constant in the continental climate and the hill profile never changed, it is worth comparing how far the skis go. “About as far as those we tested in the 1980s, the gain is less than 10 meters”.

There are “ifs and buts”, though

“However, custom-built skis for topmost athletes are markedly better now than before. Naturally, they are extremely expensive and last one, maximum two seasons even with the best care applied”


Same , according to Borodavko, goes for top poles. ” Famed Exel Black Feather sticks are almost as good as the best modern carbon fibre poles.”

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We quoted Borodavko’s interview to Simon Caprini, head of the racing programme at Rossignol. The men know each other real well – after all, they are ones who take most credit for Alexander Bolshunov’s career. But in this case, it seems, “Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend “:

Says Caprini ( on his way to Planica)

“25 years ago you ? Well, the top Rossignol model back then was Cobra, the yellow ones, many would remember them. Excellent skis for their time! But the construction of the skis was very different from what it is now. In terms of efficiency and stability the modern skis are seriously ahead of the Cobras. Then there is a weight issue: modern skis are 15-20٪ lighter than in the past, when the skis contained more heavier wood than now.”

Rossi Cobras, to refresh your memory ?

Now you have arguments to back your position, whichever it is, in that never ending conversation about whether skis gotten better – or not.