Story Of Rhaick Bomfim, Skiing Prodigy With Most Unusual Background

Story Of Rhaick Bomfim, Skiing Prodigy With Most Unusual Background

Leaders, Newsfeed
Here at the DailySkier we especially like inspiring stories, the stories of skiing changing, bettering somebody's life. Here's one of them, hope it makes your day as it made ours! ….For the time ever Termas de Chillan , a well known ski resort in the Chilean Andes, held the official FIS cross country race this year. It was nothing but symbolic that the biggest star of the tournament came out to be the guy who hasn't even celebrated his 16th birthday yet... ...That minor, ergh, obstacle did not stop him from finishing 7th in the ( grown up) men's 10 km freestyle race - and then leaving competitors in the dust in men's classic sprint final. The story becomes outright fantastic, given that just a few years ago a new…
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